Key things to know about the ASVAB test

The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is a widely used test battery that measures an individual’s aptitude in multiple areas. It evaluates an individual’s strengths and weaknesses in four key disciplines: spatial, science and technical, math, and verbal. By taking the ASVAB, individuals can obtain career information for both military and civilian occupations, and it can also provide insight into future success in areas such as military careers, vocational schools, or college.

What is the ASVAB test?
The ASVAB is a timed, multi-aptitude test designed and developed by the Department of Defense (DoD) for individuals interested in joining the military. It is available at over 14,000 Military Entrance Processing Stations and schools across the country. The test covers ten domains, which include mechanical comprehension (MC), mathematics knowledge (MK), word knowledge (WK), general science (GS), paragraph comprehension (PC), arithmetic reasoning (AR), shop information (SI), assembling objects (AO), auto information (AI), and electronics information (EI).

The ASVAB assessment helps the Department of Defense determine an individual’s eligibility to join the service and which service branch and job positions they are suitable for after completing basic training. The higher the score, the more options are available to the individual. A high score may even provide special bonuses and higher pay for certain job positions. It is essential to prepare well for the ASVAB and aim for a top score to unlock a wealth of opportunities. The goal is not just to take the test but to excel in it.

According to the US Army, there are two kinds of ASVAB scores:
The ASVAB category scores: The are also known as line scores, assess an individual’s knowledge and skills in ten different areas to determine their job opportunities.

The Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT) score: This score determines an individual’s eligibility for enlistment, requiring a minimum score of 31.

ASVAB preparation
Preparing for an exam like ASVAB can be done through various courses or practice tests. Practice tests can be taken by those who can’t join intensive courses or training. These tests contain questions that help individuals understand the level of difficulty of the exam. After taking some tests, one can identify their weaknesses and strengths, which will help them prepare better.

It is important to note that the ASVAB Testing Program doesn’t endorse any specific test preparation method but recommends having a solid core of Science, Mathematics, and English courses in college and high school. This academic preparation can help with performance in Mathematics Knowledge, Arithmetic Reasoning, General Science subtests, Word Knowledge, and Paragraph Comprehension. Technical courses can also help with performance in Mechanical Comprehension, Electronics Information, Shop Information, and Auto Information and subtests.

Tips for answering the ASVAB test
Steps to take before the test day

  • Firstly, one must begin preparing for the test before the scheduled test day. This will give one ample time to review and practice the questions one can expect on the test day.
  • It is important to get familiarized with the review areas that need refreshing and practice some sample questions to be well-versed and confident.
  • Lastly, one must get proper rest the night before the test to ensure that one is alert and focused during the test. By following these steps, an individual will be better equipped to answer the ASVAB test questions with ease and accuracy.

Strategies to approach all versions of the ASVAB

  • Start by reading the directions for each test before beginning to solve the questions.
  • While reading each question, one must carefully consider every word before picking an answer.
  • It’s also important to manage time effectively by avoiding spending too much time on any one question.
  • If unsure about any answer, one must try eliminating as many incorrect choices as possible before making an educated guess.

Strategies for the P&P-ASVAB

  • Consider answering the easier questions first and then attempt the more challenging ones.
  • It’s important to attempt every question.
  • If one has some extra time left, it’s recommended to review the answers.
  • It is important to note that mark only one response per question on the answer sheet and erase any changes made to avoid any confusion.

Strategies for CAT-ASVAB (Proctored or Unproctored version)

  • During the test, carefully review the instructions multiple times to build confidence.
  • Be cautious when selecting answers, as once a question is answered, one won’t be able to revisit it.
  • If running short on time, one must never resort to random guessing. Instead, try to genuinely answer the questions, as the CAT-ASVAB penalizes heavily for multiple incorrect answers toward the end of a subtest.
  • Keeping these strategies in mind can increase one’s chances of success on the ASVAB exam.