Top 5 drinks and tips for quick rehydration

Top 5 drinks and tips for quick rehydration

Maria Diaz

Hydration is vital for our body to function properly. In addition, there are various other ways to rehydrate, including consuming fruits and rebalancing the body with oral rehydration solutions. Rehydration is also important after engaging in activities that cause excessive sweating, such as hot yoga, sauna sessions, and intense workouts. It can also aid in preventing the adverse effects of dehydration if one has diarrhea. So, here are some practical tips and methods to consider.

Some ways to rehydrate quickly at home

It’s common knowledge that water is the most efficient drink for hydration. It contains no added sugar or calories and is relatively inexpensive. Whether one prefers it cold or hot, water is versatile enough to cater to one’s needs.

Skim and low-fat milk
Beyond supplying a host of nutrients, milk also has hydrating properties. It has high electrolyte content that aids in balancing the water content in the body. Skim and low-fat milk can rehydrate after an intense workout while supplying the body with crucial nutrients and protein.
Further, the high protein content in the milk also makes it suitable as one of the best post-workout drinks to kick-start muscle repair and rebuilding. Please note consuming milk after a workout may result in bloating. In addition, it is not for people with lactose and other milk protein intolerance. Full-fat alternatives are unsuitable if one feels nauseous or has diarrhea, as milk may aggravate these symptoms.

Coconut water
Coconut water is packed with amino acids, calcium, and potassium and hydrates the body well. It is rich in electrolytes that help boost energy levels and overcome fatigue. Because of its dense potassium levels, coconut water helps with IV hydration.
In addition, it is a healthier alternative to sports drinks. Several athletes consume it before and after training. Always opt for an organic brand, and inspect the label for preservatives, additives, and hidden sugars.

Sports drinks
Sports drinks are made up of electrolytes, water, and other ingredients. They can be as hydrating as water during intense exercise or hot weather. However, it’s important to note that these drinks may be high in calories and contain artificial sweeteners and added sugars.

Tea and coffee
Tea works like a diuretic. Coffee has stimulant caffeine. Both these beverages can be dehydrating if consumed in excess amounts. However, moderate amounts can be pretty hydrating. Coffee and tea are beans or leaves steeped in water and are composed of water.

Other tips to stay hydrated

  • Drink a glass of water first thing on waking up – It is not recommended to drink water before bed if one experiences heartburn or nocturnal urination, as it can exacerbate these symptoms. However, drinking water can activate one’s metabolism and boost energy.
  • Invest in a good-looking water bottle – A fancy water bottle can be a visual reminder to drink more water. Some bottles today have marked measurements that can track the intake level, while others have motivating words printed for added benefit.
  • Use notifications or alarms – Set notifications or alarms on the phone for daily reminders. One can set their smart home devices to remind one with positive, verbal encouragement for a mental boost.
  • Be watchful of the urine color – Ideally, one must check one’s urine color periodically to ensure it is light-colored or clear. When the urine is dark yellow, it is a sign of dehydration.
  • Set a daily objective – A straightforward goal can help one stay hydrated and help one consume their pre-decided water/fluid content.
  • Make it a challenge – To ensure the daily water intake goal is met, one can have friends join in and make it a healthy competition to see everyone stick to their goals.
  • Consume water-rich fruits and vegetables – Some veggies and fruits have plenty of water beyond healthy nutrients. Pineapples, peaches, cantaloupe, strawberries, and watermelon are high-water fruits. Similarly, water-rich vegetables include leafy greens, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, celery, and radishes.
  • Drink plenty of water before every meal –Staying hydrated is important for healthy digestion and can help prevent overeating. Drinking water can be a simple and effective way to achieve both benefits.
  • Pay heed to the body’s signals – Be mindful and listen to the body, and drink water whenever the body alarms of thirst.
  • Stay at home when it is too hot outside – During hot summer days, it is advisable to stay indoors in a cool, air-conditioned environment. If one cannot access air-conditioners, one can visit the nearest public library, movie theatre, or shopping center. To avoid the sharpest rays of the sun, it’s best to stay out of the sun between 10 AM-2 PM. One must plan the outdoor activities for early morning or late evening when it’s cooler.
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