Things to know before opting for an abdominoplasty

Things to know before opting for an abdominoplasty

Maria Diaz

Abdominoplasty, popularly called “tummy tuck,” is a procedure to facilitate a thinner, firmer abdomen. Recent reports suggest nearly 140,000 tummy tucks take place every year nationwide, causing it to emerge as the sixth most common surgical procedure. Trained professionals perform this treatment in a hospital, which can take a few hours. This post discusses the pros and cons of an abdominoplasty, its types, the steps involved, recovery tips, and other essential factors.

Benefits of an abdominoplasty
The procedure has several benefits, some of which include:

  • Improves posture
    Tummy tuck helps tighten the abdominal muscles. This facilitates enhanced posture and reduces pressure exerted on the back, relieving back and neck pain.
  • Reduces stretch marks post pregnancy
    Pregnancy often leads to stretch marks in the belly region. While a healthy meal plan and lifestyle are crucial in reducing these marks, an abdominoplasty can also help to a certain extent since it involves removing excess skin.
  • Relieves diastasis recti symptoms
    Diastasis recti is a condition where one’s rectus abdominis muscles separate, leading to discomfort. An abdominoplasty helps manage diastasis recti symptoms by tightening the muscles around the abdomen.
  • Enhances bladder functioning
    An abdominoplasty helps strengthen the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles and the tissues supporting the bladder and urethra. Consequently, it enhances bladder function and helps manage urinary incontinence.

Risks associated with an abdominoplasty
The procedure can have a few consequences, such as:

  • Fluid accumulation
    Abdominoplasty poses the risk of fluid accumulation beneath the skin’s surface. Surgeons may drain the water using tubes or other tools.
  • Tissue damage
    Tissues within the abdomen may get damaged after the procedure. While they usually recover independently, a follow-up surgery may sometimes be required.
  • Abdominal nerve damage
    A tummy tuck may affect the abdominal nerves, causing temporary numbness in this area. This symptom usually subsides a few months later.

Types of abdominoplasty
There are several types of this procedure, three of which are discussed below:

  • Standard tummy tuck
    Also called full tummy tuck, it involves tightening the abdominal muscles, removing excess skin in the lower abdomen, and some liposuction.
  • Extended tummy tuck
    Here, the incisions are deeper, extending to the side of the waistline. It mainly helps individuals with stretched skin around the waist.
  • Mini tummy tuck
    This procedure solely involves the removal of lower abdominal skin. It does not touch the upper abdomen nor treats rectus diastasis.

Steps involved in an abdominoplasty
Like any health procedure, an abdominoplasty consists of a series of steps:

  • Numbing the belly region
    Health experts first administer a treatment to numb the abdomen and prevent discomfort during the procedure. The type of numbing treatment will vary based on the type of tummy tuck and the doctor’s recommendation.
  • Incision
    Next, an incision is made between the belly button and the pubic region. Surgeons determine the size of this incision based on the amount of excess skin to be removed. They may create another incision around the navel if required.
  • Removal of excess skin
    The expert now removes excess skin from the abdomen. They may also create a new opening for the belly button.
  • Closure of incisions
    Finally, the incisions to remove excess skin are closed using adhesives and sutures.

Recovery tips after an abdominoplasty
Individuals must make a few lifestyle changes after undergoing this procedure:

  • Wear compression garments
    Doctors typically recommend wearing compression garments after a tummy tuck. It helps position the tissues in place and reduces pain associated with an abdominoplasty. Patients should visit a surgeon regularly so they can examine their abdominal muscles and recommend the duration for which they should continue wearing the garment.
  • Stay physically active
    Mild physical activity like walking can help reduce susceptibility to infections and blood clots. Hence, individuals should move about as much as possible within the home and practice basic exercises like rotating the arms and ankles.
  • Ensure adequate rest
    Although an abdominoplasty is not a major surgery, it can cause wounds around the abdomen, which need sufficient care to heal. Thus, one should ensure adequate rest after the procedure and seek help from family members, friends, and professionals in any way required.
  • Drink plenty of water
    Dehydration can delay healing, so one should stay hydrated after a tummy tuck. Individuals must drink plenty of water and healthy fluids like juices, soups, and smoothies.
  • Consider pain management techniques
    Doctors may prescribe specific interventions to reduce pain after surgery. If not, individuals can consult the expert regarding suitable treatments for reducing pain, mainly if it is unmanageable.

Cost of an abdominoplasty
The cost of an abdominoplasty depends on the type one opts for. The estimated average price ranges are:

  • Full tummy tuck: $8,000 to $12,000
  • Extended tummy tuck: $12,000 to $18,000
  • Mini tummy tuck: $4,000 to $5,000

A tummy tuck entails several benefits, but individuals must go prepared, consult a reputed cosmetologist, and ensure adequate post-operative care.

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