Things you should know about electronic medical records

Things you should know about electronic medical records

While technology has pretty much touched all quarters of our lives, why should the field of medical science be left far behind? It comes as no surprise that in today’s day and age, one gets to see the use of technology for many medical functions starting from diagnosis of an ailment to the treatment of the same.
Andy Jackson
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Top triggers for gout foot pain

Top triggers for gout foot pain

Gout is a type of arthritis which is characterized by episodes of severe pain, swelling, and redness of joints. The most common joint affected is the one in the big toe.
Victor Walker
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How to treat common skin rashes

How to treat common skin rashes

The treatment of skin rashes depends on the cause behind the rash. There are mainly four types of skin rashes: eczema, granuloma annulare, lichen planus, and pityriasisrosea. So how are these different types of rashes treated?
Maria Diaz
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Find the best CPAP Supplies deals

Find the best CPAP Supplies deals

Anyone who is using a CPAP machine on a regular basis will also know that it may sometimes be an expensive device to maintain because most of the parts and CPAP supplies need to be replaced and cleaned on a constant basis.
Victor Walker
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Preventive care for dealing with gout foot pain

Preventive care for dealing with gout foot pain

Gout can be an excruciating form of health condition. Learning how to keep it under control and getting pain relief for gout will help patients lead a normal life. One thing to remember is that gout pain can recur and hence, preventive care is of primary importance while managing this condition.
Victor Walker
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A few common types skin rash that affects people

A few common types skin rash that affects people

One fine day you wake up to see itchy and ugly red marks on your face or body. The chances are that you might be suffering from skin rashes caused by skin inflammation.
Andy Jackson
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Frequently asked questions – CPAP supplies

Frequently asked questions – CPAP supplies

A CPAP Machine is a sleep-inducing gadget which can help people who are suffering from a range of sleep related issues. It can assist in controlling various factors around the patient so that quality sleep will be guaranteed.
Maria Diaz
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6 things you should not do if you have skin rash

6 things you should not do if you have skin rash

Skin rashes can be very troublesome and cause a lot of discomforts. You will find a lot of advice about what to do when you have skin rashes, but there are rarely suggestions that tell what not to do when you have skin rash symptoms.
Andy Jackson
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